Frequently Asked Questions

What do I receive with my package?

You receive everything mentioned in the respective package, PLUS the full Go Hookah bar and all the accessories, on ALL packages.

Why does Go Hookah require an 8ft x 8ft space for the event?

Even though hookahs are relatively small and take up very little space, they require a significant amount of equipment/accessories to function properly, such as multiple flavors of shisha, a coal station (coal burner, tongs, thermal gloves, heat shield, extension cord, fire suppressant, etc.) coolers, storage bins, and many other items. The Go Hookah bar effectively stores most of these items, but not all of them. In addition to the bar, a 2ft x 4ft table is required to accommodate the remaining items.

What’s the difference between standard hookahs and FruitBase hookahs?

Apart from the hookah design, our standard hookahs contain water and food coloring only in the base. FruitBase hookahs contain ice and water along with fruit that complements the shisha flavor and provides a beautiful aesthetic.

Why are FruitBase hookahs more expensive than standard hookahs?

FruitBase hookahs are more expensive because of the increased cost of adding fruit to the base. This increased cost not only includes the price of the actual fruit, but also the significantly increased prep time before the event and the cleaning/sanitizing efforts after the event. On average, it costs four times more to operate a FruitBase hookah than it does a standard hookah.

How long does it take to set up and tear down for an event?

Both set up and tear down take approximately one hour each.

Does the setup and tear-down time count towards my allotted time?

No. If you book Go Hookah for 3 hours of service, you will receive the full 3 hours. The setup and tear-down times are in addition to your allotted time.

Why does Go Hookah use herbal shisha instead of tobacco shisha?

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is an addictive chemical. We don’t want to expose anyone to a substance that may lead to an addiction. In addition, many people are sensitive to nicotine. Nicotine can cause an increase in heart rate/blood pressure, as well as nausea and headaches.

What are the ingredients in your herbal shisha?

Our herbal shisha contains only tea leaves, sugar syrup, glycerin, and flavoring.

Is smoking herbal shisha safer than smoking tobacco-based shisha?

Since our herbal shisha doesn’t contain tobacco, nicotine, tar, carcinogens, chemicals, dyes, or artificial ingredients, it doesn’t present the same health risks normally associated with smoking tobacco products. However, our herbal shisha has not been evaluated by the Surgeon General or the FDA and cannot be considered a healthier or safer alternative to tobacco-based shisha. All types of smoking can be harmful to your health.

How does the smoking experience compare between tobacco-based shisha and herbal shisha?

Because herbal shisha doesn’t contain tobacco/nicotine, it provides a much “lighter” smoking experience than tobacco-based shisha. It also doesn’t provide a “buzz” like tobacco-based shisha does. However, the flavor profiles and cloud output from herbal shisha are comparable to tobacco-based shisha.

Will Go Hookah travel outside the Oklahoma City metro area for an event?

Yes. We will travel outside the OKC metro area for an event. However, additional travel fees will apply if the event is more than 30 miles outside the OKC metro area. If so, contact us and we will provide a custom quote.