Why Go Hookah?

Why Go Hookah?

  • Expertise

    Many factors impact a hookah session's quality, including equipment, shisha packing method, shisha type, heat management method, and base water level. We know precisely how to balance all these factors to produce a fantastic hookah session!

  • Experience

    We have over 10 years of experience hosting hookah-related events. During that time, we’ve discovered (through much trial and error) how to successfully execute multiple-hookah events. You’re in good hands!

  • High-Quality Equipment

    We only use modern, high-quality, stainless steel and glass hookah pipes. In addition, all accessories (shisha bowls, heat management devices, hoses, etc.) are top quality. And using high-quality equipment makes a BIG difference!

  • Tobacco-Free/Nicotine-Free Shisha

    We only offer the highest quality herbal shisha on our menu. Herbal shisha is free of tobacco and nicotine, which means it’s not habit-forming. That’s important and will offer peace of mind to your guests.

  • Premium Hookah Services

    Even though our standard hookah services are above and beyond that of traditional hookah lounges, we didn’t stop there! We offer FruitBase hookahs as an add-on to our standard packages or as the primary service in our premium packages.

  • Safety First - Always

    We exclusively use all-natural, coconut charcoal. Most hookah lounges and caterers use quick-lite charcoal, which has been treated with a chemical accelerant. This makes the charcoal easier to light, but it also releases sulfur, benzene, and other harmful chemicals, which are then inhaled by the user. Inhaling these chemicals is NOT healthy.

    All-natural, coconut charcoals take a little longer to light, but they are a MUCH safer option. And since they don’t contain accelerants or chemicals, the flavor of the session is not affected.

    In addition, we only use low-profile, bottom-heavy hookahs. This significantly reduces the chances of our hookahs tipping over and causing injury or damage.

    We also completely sanitize our hookahs after each event. This not only includes the hookah, but also the shisha bowl, hose, handle, and any other component that was touched during use.

    Finally, all participants are required to use a provided mouthpiece while smoking. This significantly reduces the chances of cross-contamination occurring.