Types of Hookahs

Go Hookah offers two different types of hookahs: standard and FruitBase.

Standard Hookahs

Even our standard hookahs are premium quality and made of glass and stainless steel. They provide an excellent smoking experience and have a wide-open draw, which means it’s very easy to draw the vapor out of the hookah.

The base contains water only along with food coloring for visual appeal. Standard hookahs also come with an LED light stand to add to the visual appeal.

FruitBase Hookahs

Our FruitBase hookahs are also premium quality and made of glass and stainless steel. They are low-profile with a wide base, which significantly reduces the potential for the hookah to tip over. These hookahs provide a medium draw.

Unlike our standard hookahs, the base on our FruitBase hookahs contain ice and water along with fruit that complements the shisha flavor and provides a beautiful aesthetic. FruitBase hookahs also come with an LED light to add to the visual appeal.